Proof that Jack Dorsey is involved with Zenon Network

Sentinel #33
5 min readJul 12, 2020



Since it’s inception Square Crypto is posting cryptic tweets that seem to be hinting towards a cryptocurrency called Zenon Network.

The following is a collection of proofs about the connection between Zenon Network and founder of Twitter and Square, Jack Dorsey.

Square Crypto has never publicly denied any involvement with Zenon Network. They blocked multiple people replying with $znn related content to their tweets.

As you will see, the Zenon Network website was updated with new graphics. Fortunately we have archives of the old website.

I have added references to my statements so you can check everything for yourself.

The famous pillar and floating eyeballs tweet

In this tweet Square Crypto mentions “roving pillar shimmering blue light”, “a thousand floating eyeballs” and “traveling merchant who grants wishes in exchange of favors”

These elements can be found on the old Zenon Network website as components of the future Network of Momentum.

Roving pillar shimmering of blue light=pillar
A thousand floating eyeballs=sentinel


Zenon Network came first with the pillar and sentinel imagery. They were talking about these elements days before Square Crypto tweeted on the 2nd of April 2019.

Screenshot from the archived Zenon ANN Bitcointalk thread. Last edit was on 29th of March 2019 and they are already mentioning pillars and sentinels

The Square Crypto tweet referring to pillars and sentinels came after the Bitcointalk thread was edited.


Blue pillar found on Cash app website

A very similar blue floating pillar can be found on the website of a Square Inc. product, Cash app.

Connect the dots

The Zenon Network logo can be drawn inside the Square Crypto logo by doing a thing as simple as connecting the dots.

Bitcoin vibes

Both Square Crypto and Zenon follow only one person on twitter.

Jack’s lucky day

Zenon and Square Crypto first tweet came on 21st of March 2019 and it looks like they are greeting each other.

Jack Dorsey’s first tweet was on the same day but in 2006.

Symbolically, 3/21 looks like a good day to start a new project. It represents the final countdown. 3… 2… 1… GO

Stay aware

Another coincidence is when Zenon Network was running an awareness campaign on twitter.

Perfect timing for Square Crypto to start a little awareness campaign of their own.

A few days later Square Crypto is asking followers to help raise awareness in their own trollish style.

Hype dolphin

Square Crypto and Zenon seem to be communicating on multiple occasions.

On 31st of March 2019, Square Crypto posted what I call the hype dolphin gif. I think this is a message in anticipation for the next Zenon statement that had to come later that day.

Few hours later Zenon posted a tweet so important they had to pin it.

Old screenshot showing the message was pinned.

Perfect timing once again

11th of December 2019 was a very important date for Zenon Network. It was the last day of the pillar lock in phase.

Miraculously, it was the same day when Square Crypto and Jack Dorsey were very active on twitter.

Jack Dorsey posted a thread where he introduces a new crypto project called bluesky . Bluesky aims to build a decentralized standard for social media.

In the same day Square Crypto is announcing a grant to an anonymous developer that goes by ZmnSCPxj.

Even if ZmnSCPxj denied his involvement with Zenon Network it is worth mentioning his name looks like the first characters from a ZNN address.

Square Crypto describing xStakes

A very important detail that people forget about Zenon is that they didn’t run a fund raising at the beginning.

xStakes is the mechanism used to create ZNN and it works like this: who bought at least 5000 ZNN from the team got their BTC back in monthly installments to a refund address. Basically those who got a node and kept it, got it for free.

Zenon developer DomZen explaining xStakes

In this tweet Square Crypto describes how the Zenon coin offering went out and the reason it happened that way.

I am going to decipher it sentence by sentence

People care more when they have a stake in something.

This is pretty self explanatory, people care more about something if they are invested in it.

Once the cost hurdle is clear, they’re free to be curious

Once there is no cost to the thing they are invested in they are free to be curious. Interesting, but how can you invest in something that has no cost?

Giving away bitcoin is powerful

This is exactly what happened with xStakes. Zenon gave Bitcoin away to people who bought a node.

This new mechanism that returned BTC made people curious and they explored further. Curiosity is a very important trait to have when researching this.

